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Consultation – Proposed Reduction to Published Admissions Number

November 26, 2024 03:43pm

Consultation – Proposed Reduction to Published Admissions Number

The Thinking Schools Academy Trust and Goodwin Academy are opening a period of formal consultation regarding the reduction of the Year 7 Published Admissions Number (PAN) at Goodwin Academy. The purpose of this consultation is to seek the views of parents, carers and other relevant stakeholders on our proposal.

We are proposing that the PAN at Goodwin Academy is reduced from 180 to 150 for the September 2026 admissions process. Kent County Council as the local authority is aware of this proposal. The proposal will mean that the number of places available for children in Year 7 from September 2026 will be 150. There will be no change for children who already attend the Academy.
Sandwich and Deal non-selective planning area has 2 secondary schools, Sandwich Technology School and Goodwin Academy. Sandwich Technology School has a determined PAN of 255 and Goodwin 180. Currently, there are 117 pupils on roll in Year 7 at the Academy. As academies are funded on a per-pupil basis, this has a significant impact on the Academy’s budget and workforce planning.

For the 2026/27 academic year, the local authority forecasts that 392 pupils will be on roll in Year 7 in the planning area, creating a surplus of 33 places in the planning area. Birth rates in the area suggest that we are not going to see a significant increase to Year 7 numbers in the coming years. Should the pressure for Year 7 places in the planning group exceed forecasts, the Trust will support the local authority in ensuring that there are sufficient school places on National Offer Day for all who require one.

The proposed change to admissions arrangements would allow us to set a sustainable budget and staffing structure moving forward. The ability to budget and plan our staffing more effectively will enable us to provide a higher standard of education to the children in our care, and ensure money is spent in a way that will best enhance the life chances of Goodwin Academy students.
If we do not reduce the PAN, we create a risk of pupil numbers fluctuating significantly each year, which then creates a significant financial risk to the Academy. Furthermore, the proposed change would not impact on families’ ability to secure a secondary school place within the planning area. Should the demand for additional school places increase in the future, we will consider raising the PAN again to accommodate this.

The proposed admissions policy can be accessed online – Draft 2026 Admissions Policy. If you require a printed version, please contact the school office to request this.

Who are we consulting with?
• Parents and Carers of Goodwin Academy Students
• Goodwin Academy Staff
• Kent County Council
• Local MP
• Local Councillors
• Local Primary Schools
• Local Secondary Schools
• Local Colleges
• Multi-Academy Trusts operating in the local area

The consultation period will run for six weeks from Monday 25th November 2024 to Monday 6th January 2025 inclusive.

Views on this proposal are welcome via our Microsoft Forms link: Goodwin PAN Consultation. The deadline for responses is Monday 6th January 2025. Alternatively, please feel free to submit your response via email at, or in writing to the Academy Office (addressed to Mr P Jones, Headteacher). All responses will be considered carefully as part of the consultation process.

Yours sincerely,

Mr P Jones